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Changing the World One Drop at A Time

The USDA has teamed up with the EPA to tackle the issue of water conservation while better supporting water quality trading markets.  
Over the last week, the two organizations held a workshop to help individuals and corporations understand the importance of water quality trading as it effects the market, farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.  As the USDA states, “Water quality markets can reduce costs of cleaning up waterways by allowing sources with high costs of meeting water quality requirements to purchase credits from sources that have lower costs of making the same water quality improvement.”
The USDA and EPA will provide an increased assortment of resources to those looking to participate, next to $2 million in Conservation Innovation Grants to support these markets. 
The world’s most valuable resource, clean water is of high demand and its availability is increasingly scarce.  Experts estimate that within the next twenty years, the world will require roughly 40% more water than is available today in order to maintain the population’s energy usage, food production and drinking supply. 
Alongside organizations like the EPA and USDA, companies like Ecolab are also striving to make a difference.  Once a carpet cleaning company, Ecolab has transformed into a leader in sustainability focused on water management, food safety and restaurant sanitation.  In the last year alone, the company’s proprietary water treatment technologies helped its customers save more than 100 billion gallons of water. 
Currently in possession of more than 6,800 patents, Ecolab has most recently worked its way onto Fortune magazine’s Change the World list – a relatively new ranking of businesses that “are doing well by doing good.”  The company placed 44th on the list. 
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