How Long Does a Professional Patent Search Take?
Many new clients who approach us are concerned with one question: how long will it take to get the results of my patent search? Although we here at Global Patent Solutions pride ourselves on reliable, quick turnarounds, the answer we give you will depend on several different factors, including your industry and type of invention, which patent search service in particular you need, and the existing landscape. Perhaps the biggest element that can change the amount of time it takes to get results from a professional patent search is who you choose as a patent consultant. Here are some important factors to consider as you plan out your timeframe for a patent search.
Putting Time Frames for Patent Search in Perspective
A conventional patent search may take one to two weeks, depending on budget and other factors. While at first, this might not seem immediate enough to individuals eager to roll out a new product, it’s important to understand that the overall patent process from start to finish commonly takes at least a year, and often closer to 2 or 3. Filing for a patent is a long-term venture. Because of this, it’s important not to skip an initial step that will help guide your application process and give you a better chance of approval down the line.
A Patent Is an Investment of Both Time and Money
Applying for a patent is usually a substantial investment. Although anyone is able to file a patent themselves, most people find it worthwhile to work with a patent agent or lawyer in order to ensure that the application is framed properly. Because a patent application represents a long-term investment that could also be costly, most people take the “get it done right the first time” approach, rather than cutting corners and risking multiple application denials from the USPTO. The more time you invest in a patent search, the more confident you can be that your invention does not infringe upon existing patents.
Remember: although a patent search is essential and powerful, it does not necessarily automatically validate your application. Not all patent searches are created the same, and budget options may end up costing you more money down the line. Overall, costs will be more affordable when you work with a reputable firm known for their expertise.
What To Do in the Meantime
Many entrepeneurs want to put their new products on the market as soon as possible in order to gain a competitive edge. After all, when it comes to winning a sizeable market share, time is of the essence. Businesses can’t afford to simply sit on their hands while they wait for a patent approval. While you can expedite your patent in many cases, our advice to most clients is this: start moving forward. Take smart measures to protect your security, including filing a provisional application if you need more time to frame the final patent application, and utilizing non-disclosure agreements during business pitches and meetings. Remember that simply filing for a patent allows you “patent pending” status, which offers significant clout as you move forward.
Most of all, utilize the information you obtain during a professional patent search to frame your business plan. Consider a Freedom to Operate search, which ensures that you aren’t encroaching on existing art that may prevent you from creating and marketing a certain product, with or without an issued patent.
Trust a Reliable, Experienced, and Thorough Patent Search Partner
Working with a highly-qualified patent search consultant is the most reliable way to move forward at a steady pace for filing a patent. You will avoid mistakes that slow down the patent process and you will get valuable advice that helps you better frame your application for approval.
Global Patent Solutions has the resources to deliver a quick turnarnound time without sacrificing quality. We have plenty of experience in helping businesses meet product release and publication release dates. Highly skilled experts will use advanced search strategies to meet your deadlines. For more information on patent search, contact us here at Global Patent Solutions.